Focus and Scope
Jurnal PEMBAHAS: Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra aims to develop and disseminate science and technology through the scientific article of research and study of concepts or theories as an effort to enrich the scientific knowledge in the field of languages and literatu teaching and learning
Jurnal PEMBAHAS: Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra covers issues concerning education and teaching at the all level. This article is based on the results of research and theoretical studies which are equivalent to research supported by various theoretical studies that produce research in the form of educational research, learning research, classroom action research, research and development, the mixed methods reseacrh. The fields of science include:
language learning achievement;
literary learning achievement;
development of language teaching materials;
development of literary teaching materials;
development of language teaching test instruments;
development of literary teaching test instruments;
development of student worksheets learning language;
development of student worksheet learning literary;
development of language teaching media;
development of literary teaching media;
development of lesson plans for teaching language;
development of lesson plans for teaching literary;
development of language teaching models;
development of literary teaching models;
development students' reading habits;
development of language and literature teaching and learning technique;
language teacher and or lecturer competency development;
every aspect of language and literature that involves students;
development of language learning as an auxiliary science for other subjects.